Regression Analysis Course Slides Notes
1. regression methods
1.1. basic hypothesis
Def: Gaussian Markov Condition
1.2. basic least square
Def: basic linear model
Algorithm: least square
1.2.1. expectation & var
Qua: => expectation & var of least square
Theorem: => for all the linear unbiased, least square has least var
1.2.2. residual sum of squares ( RSS )
Def: RSS
Qua: => expectation of residual vector
Qua; => expectation of RSS
Qua: => generalized RSS
Theorem: => important of RSS (independency is the most important when we do hypothesis test)
1.3. centralized least square
Def: centralized linear model
Algorithm: centralized least square
1.3.1. expectation & var
Qua: => expectation
Note: more about centralization
Def: regression coefficient
1.3.2. MSE
Def: see probability theory
Qua: => MSE of centralized least square
Note: if eigvalue small, then MSE large!
## standardized least square
Def: standardized linear model
Note: relationship bewteen standardized model and general model.
1.4. constraint least square
Def: contraint linear model
Usage: same model but an additional constraint equation
Algorithm: constrainde least square
Proof: prove that the min point does exists
1.5. generalized least square
Def: generalized linear model
Usage: model where covariance matrix is not identical but orthogonal matrix
Algorithm: generalized least square
Qua: => expectations
Note: apparently generalized model turn a random model to its standardized form, and it become the best via Gaussain-Markov condition
Example: a special form of generalized model
1.6. incomplete-data least square
Def: eliminate some row(s) of the data and see the difference of parameter vector .
Def: cook stats,
Usage: a metric to rank the influence ( when we eliminate certain row of data)
Theorem: => relationship between cook & student residual
Usage: we don't have to actually compute cook every now and then, using the theorem we can reduce the complexity by a large scale.
Note: intuition for cook.
1.7. ridge least square
Def: model is the basic model
Algorithm: algorithm is different when k $$ 0
Note: why we need ridge regression
Def: regularized linear model
Algorithm: least square for reguoarized linear model
Qua: => Var
Qua: => relationship with basic model
1.7.1. MSE
Qua: => relationship of MSE with basic model
Qua: => MSE < basic model
Usage: this is why we choose ridge regression
Note: this is a very important .
1.7.2. optimal K
Algorithm: Hoerl-Kennard equation
Algorithm: ridge plot
1.8. PCA regression
Def: PCA linear model
Usage: same as ridge regression, centralized!!
Def: first principle
Qua: => relationship between Z and eigvalue
Intro: intuition for PAC regression: when eigvalue is small we eliminate it.
Algorithm: PAC regression: similar to regularized model except that we eliminate some part of Z.
1.8.1. MSE
Theorem: we can also decrease MSE by PCA regression
Note: there's condition to this theorem
1.9. imcomplete-feature least square
Def: model
Algorithm: least square (notice the difference here between 1.9, in 1.10 we assume we don't know which is the correct model, in 1.9 we assume we know which is the correct model.)
1.9.1. expectation & var
Theorem: => biased E and Var
Proof: P103
1.9.2. MSE
Theorem: => MSE smaller
Note: the condition(5.1.14) is not always correct:
1.9.3. prediction problem
Def: prediction problem
Qua: => using MSEP we yield this
Proof: see P108
1.9.4. conclusion
Note: conclusion for above 3 sections
1.10. non-linear regression
2. regression analysis
2.1. cook distance
Def: introduced in 1.7
Usage: strong influence/ outliers
2.2. VIF/ CI
Intro: in 1.3.2 we know that MSE is corresponding with eigvalue, now we show that what does eigvalue mean in linear model
Def: multicollinearity
Def: CI
Usage: tool to show how severe is multilinear
Def: VIF
Usage: same \[ \frac{1}{1-R_j^2} \]
2.3. student resitual map
Def: student residual
Usage: a standardized form of residual vector
Algorithm: student residual plot
Usage: all hypothesis
Note: 6 types of residual map
2.4. Box-cox transformation
Def: Box-cox transformation
Usage: all conditions
Algorithm: mle for optimizing the optimal \(\lambda\)
Note: basic tranformation to log maximization problem
Note: oveall brief algorithm
3. regression hypothesis test
3.1. linear test
Def: basic linear test
Note: basic idea to this test
Algorithm: the test
Note: we can simplify the test since \(RSS_h\) are hard to compute : by using a 约减 model (putting AX=b into the model and make it unconstraint)
3.2. model test
Def: model test
Usage: which is a special test of section 3.1, but we'll make it simpler
Algorithm: the same thing as 3.1
Note: the famout TSS = RSS +ESS equation
3.3. saliency test
Def: saliency test ( a special form of 3.1 but we'll give a simpler way)
Algorithm: saliency test
3.4. outlier test
Def: outlier test
3.5. the prediction problem
3.5.1. point estimation
Qua: => unbiased
Qua: => markov
Qua: difference between
3.5.2. interval estimation
4. regression feature selection
## metrics for selection
Def: Rssq ( the \(q_{th}\) time of selection)
Theorem: => Rss q > Rss q+1
Usage: which means the more feature we choose the more accuracy we'll get.
Def: \(Rms_q\)
Note: the smaller RMSq, the better is the model
Def: CP
Qua: => no proof
Note: we can plot to see if selection is optimal
Def: AIC( an application of MLE)
Note: specifically in linear model
Note: the smaller the better
## optimal selection
Def: the best features
Algorithm: Cp plot
4.1. step-wise selection
- Algorithm: P149, basically do F test every step.