Probability Theory

Probability Theory Notes

1. frequency & probability

1.1. probability space

1.1.1. Kolmogorov’s probability model

  • Def1.7: probability space (\(\Omega\), \(\mathscr{F}\), P) ,

    Usage: is a special kind of measure space, see for more details.

    Example: finite sample spaces

    Example: infinite sample space

  • Def1.8: \(P=F ( \mathscr{F} -> R )\), is a finitely additive set function, a measure.

    • Qua1.9: => Non zero

    • Qua2.0: => P(must) =1

    • Qua2.1: => linear

      s.t AB does not overlap:

      ​ P(A+B) =P(A)+P(B)

1.1.2. special probability spaces frequency norm

  • Def1.1: frequency of A (A is a 0-1 variable), frequency is a way to depict clasiical probability \[ F _{N}(X) = \frac{n}{N} \]

    • Qua1.2: => non-negative:

    \[ F _{N}(X) \geq 0 \]

    • Qua1.3: => regularity:

      s.t. X must happen

    \[ F _{N}(X) = 1 \]
    • Qua1.4: => addable:

      s.t. A B doesnot happen at once ( A B does not equal 1 at once)

    \[ F _{N}(A+B) = F _{N}(A) + F _{N}(B) \] classic norm

  • Def1.5: classic norm is a special probability space

    We set eventspace to be finite, then we define P: where P(event) is \(1/|eventspace|\) regardless of their differences. geometry norm

  • Def1.6: geometry norm is a special probability space

    We set eventspace to be infinite, the rest is same as classic norm. n-Bernoulli norm

  • Def1.7: is a special probability space

    ​ sample = {w1~n} (n bernoulli 0/1)

    ​ samplespace = {\(2 ^{n}个sample\)}

    ​ P({X=k}) = \(C(n,k)p^k(1-p)^{n-k}\)

1.2. conditional probability

1.2.1. conditional prob

  • Def1.7: conditional prob

    s.t $P(B) 0 $ \[ P(A|B) = \frac{P(AB)}{P(B)} \]

1.2.2. all prob equation & bayes equation

  • Def1.8: complete event group \(\left\{ A1, A2,...An \right\}\) \[ (1) Ai \; not \; overlap \\ (2) P(Ai) >0 \\ (3) \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}Ai = ALL \]

  • Theorm1.8: all prob equation

    s.t. \(\left\{ A1, A2,...An \right\}\) is complete event group \[ P(B) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}P(A_i)P(B|A_i) \]

  • Theorm1.9: bayes equation

    s.t. \(\left\{ A1, A2,...An \right\}\) is complete event group \[ P(A_i|B) = \frac{P(A_i).P(B|A_i)}{\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}P(A_k).P(B|A_k)} \]

  • Def1.10: priori prob \[ P(A_i) \]

  • Def1.11: posteriori prob \[ P(A_i|B) \]

1.2.3. independence (of event)

  • Def1.12: dependence of collection of event

  • Def: dependence of collection of event

  • Def: dependence of collection of event

1.3. L2 space

  • Def:l2 space

    • Qua: => hilbert


2. random variables

2.1. distributions

  • Def: random variable X is a measurable function, F(samplespace to R)

    Usage: distributions are determined by 2 factors: X and P, since we do not know P, so we do not accutually care if random variable is defined on the same Probabilty space or not, they can be or they can not.

  • Def: discrete / continuous random variables

    Note: other definitions

    Note: decomposition of F(x) if X is neither continuous nor discrete

2.1.1. pdf

  • Def: Probability Distribution of X(w)

    Usage: a induced measure from R to $ $

  • Def2.6: Probability Density Function of X(w) \[ p _{X}(k) = F _{X}'(k) \]

    • Qua2.7: => single point $$ \[\begin{align} P(X=k) &= F(k)-F(k-0) \\ &= \lim_{h \to 0+} \int_{k-h}^{k}p(y)dy \\ \end{align}\] $$

    • Qua2.8: => non-negative \[ p _{X}(k) \geq 0 \]

    • Qua2.9: => regularity \[ \int_{n = - \infty}^{\infty}p_{X}(y)dy =1 \]

2.1.2. cdf

  • Def2.2: Cumulative Distribution Function of X(w) (cdf)

    \[ F _{X} (k) = P(X \leq k) = \int_{- \infty}^{k}p_{X} (y)dy \]

    • Qua: necc & suff

2.2. special functions

2.2.1. expectation

  • Def1.1: expectation of random variable

    s.t. (1) \[\sum_{k}^{} |k|*P_(X=k) < \infty\] \[ Func(X)=E(X)=\sum_{k}^{} k*P_(X=k) \\ Func(X)=E(X)=\int_{k} k*p_X(k) dk \\ Func(X)=E(X) =\int_{\Omega}X(w)dP(w) \]

  • Qua1.2: some useful expectations

    • Qua1.3: => monotonicity

      s.t. $ a X b $ \[ (1) E(X) \exists \\ (2) a \leq E(X) \leq b \]

  • Qua: => monotonicity

    s.t. (1) \(|X| \leq Y\)

    ​ (2) $E(Y) $

\[ E(|X|) \exists \]

  • Qua1.4: => linearity (E into sumation)

    s.t.$Ex1, Ex2...Exn $ \[ E( \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}ciXi+b) =ci \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}E(Xi)+b \]

  • Qua1.6: => limitation (bound and convergence)

    s.t. (1) \(\lim_{n \to \infty}X _{n}(w)=X(w)\)

​ (2) for all \(n \geq 1\), \(|X _{ n}| \leq M\) \[ \lim_{n \to \infty}E(X _{n}) = E(X) \]

  • Qua1.11: operation

    s.t. (1) g(x) is borel function

    \[ Eg(X) = \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} g(k)p_X(k)dk \]

    • Qua1.12: => steins theroy

      s.t. (1) X~N(0,1)

      ​ (2) g is continuous & derivable

      ​ (3) \(E|g(X)X|< \infty\)

      ​ (4)\(E|g'(X)|< \infty\) \[ E|g(X)X|=Eg'(X) \]

2.2.2. variance

  • Def: Bias ( is a metric of approximation X to a ) \[ Bias( \hat{X},a )= E( \hat{X})- a=number(\hat{X}) \]

  • Def: MSE ( is a metrics of approximation) \[ MSE(\hat{X} ) =E(\hat{ X} - a) ^{2} = V(\hat{X})+Bias^{2}(\hat{X},X ) =number(\hat{X}) \]

  • Def: length \[ Length(\hat{X}) = E||\hat{X}||^2 \overset{when E(\hat{X})=a}{=} MSE(\hat{X})+||a||^2=number(\hat{X}) \]

  • Def1.13: deviation \[ D(X) = X-E(X)=randonvariable(X) \]

  • Def1.14: variance

    s.t. abs < inf

  • \[ V(X) = E(D(X)^{2})=E(X-E(X)) ^{2}= E||X||^2-E(X)^TE(X)=number(X) \]

    • Qua1.16: => var = 0 means degenerate
    • Qua1.17: => quadratic

    \[ V(cX+b) = c ^{2}V(X) \]

    • Qua1.18: => sup

      s.t. \(c \ne E(X)\) \[ V(X) < E(X-c)^{2} \]

    • Qua1.19: => double linearity

  • \[ V( \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}Xi)= \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}V(Xi)+2\sum_{1 \leq i<j \leq n}^{}E(Xi-EXi)E(Xj-E(Xj)) \]

2.2.3. moment

  • Def2.27: moment, 原点/中心 \[ m_k = EX ^{k}\\ c_k = E(X-EX) ^{k} \]

  • Qua2.27: => relationship between different moments

  • Qua2.27: => equatiom

  • Qua2.27: => moment & cmf

2.2.4. characteristic function

  • Def2.28: cf

    • Qua2.29: => 1 on 1


    • Qua2.30: => 0 is the largest


    • Qua2.31: => 一致continuous \[ f(t) \to -\infty\ , \infty)一致 continuous \] Proof: too long

    • Qua2.32: => 非负定


    • Theorm2.33: Bochner-K, necessary and sufficient condition;

    • Qua2.34: => Cf & moment

      Proof: too long

    • Qua2.35: => linearity

    • Qua2.36: => cf & cmf


    • Qua2.37: => cf & cmf

2.2.5. generating function

  • Def2.38: generating function

  • Qua2.39~2.42: =>

  • Qua2.43: => gf & cf

2.2.6. martingale

  • Def:

  • Qua: =>

3. relationships of random variables

3.1. conditional & joint

3.1.1. joint distribution

  • Def: joint cdf

  • Def: joint pdf

3.1.2. conditional distribution

  • Def: conditional cumulative function \[ F _{X|Y}(c|b)=P(X \leq c|Y=b) = \sum_{x_i \leq c}^{}p _{X|Y}(x_i|b)=number(c,b,X,Y) \\ F _{X|Y}(c|b)==P(X \leq c|Y=b) = \int_{- \infty}^{c} \frac{p_{X,Y}(v,b)}{p _{Y}(b)}dv=number(c,b,X,Y) \]

  • Def: conditional density function \[ P _{X|Y}(c|b) = \frac{P(X=c, Y=b)}{P(Y=b)}=number(c,b,X,Y) \\ P _{X|Y}(c|b) = \frac{p_{X,Y}(c,b)}{p _{Y}(b)} =number(c,b,X,Y) \]

  • Def conditional probability of a event A given random variable X \[ not important \]

3.1.3. conditional expectation (projection) conditional expectation

  • Def: conditional expectation of Y given X

    Note: other definition

    Note: other definition: also called projection


    case of discrete random variable

    case of continuous random variable

    • Qua: => basic quality

    • Qua: => some equality (2-4)

    • Theorem: => existence

    • Theorem: (2-4) => equation

    • Theorem: (2-4) => equation

    • Lemma: ? (2-4) => equation conditional expectation of Y given \(\mathscr{G}\)

  • Def: conditional expectation of Y given \(\mathscr{G}\)

    Usage: a more general situation

    Note: other definition

    • Qua: => existence

    • Qua: => some qualities

    • Qua: => some more qualities (all expectation equation)

    • Qua: => the more general version of computation

3.2. special functions

3.2.1. covariance

  • Def1.20: co-variance

    s.t. abs < inf \[ Cov(X,Y)=E _{X,Y}(X-E(X))(Y-E(Y)) = number(X,Y) \]

    • Qua1.21: => \(Cov(X,Y) = EXY -EXEY\)
    • Qua1.22: => \(Cov(aX,bY)=abConv(X,Y)\)
    • Qua1.23: => \(Cov( \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}Xi,Y)= \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}Cov(Xi,Y)\)

3.2.2. correlation coefficient

  • Def2.24: correlation coefficient

    • Qua2.25: => when r = 1 or -1


    • Qua2.26: => relationship with E & Cov

3.2.3. conditional expectation

  • Def1.7: conditional expectation

    $$ \begin{aligned} & E(X|H) = = _{x }x \ & E(X|H) =

    \end{aligned} $$

    \[ \begin{aligned} &E(X|Y=k)= \sum_{v}^{} v*p _{X|Y}(v|k)=number(k,X,Y) \\ & E(X|Y=k)= \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} v*p _{X|Y}(v|k)dv =number(k,X,Y)\\ & E(X|Y) = randomvariable(Y) \end{aligned} \]


    • Qua1.8: => total expectation fomula \[ E(E(X|Y)) = E(X)\\E _{Y}(E(X|Y)) = \sum_{k}^{}E(X|Y=k)P(Y=k)= E(X) \]

    • Qua1.9: => take out the known \[ E (g(X)Y|X)=g(X)E (Y|X) \]

    • Qua1.10: => Caughty \[ |E(XY|Z)| \leq \sqrt{E(X ^{2}|Z)} \sqrt{E(Y ^{2}|Z)} \\ |EXY|^{2} \leq E X ^{2} EY ^{2} \] Proof:

3.2.4. KL divergence (2-9)

  • Def: a group of function

  • Def:

    • Qua: accutually not a formal distance, but can be used to metric the distance between distributions.

3.2.5. Hellinger distance (2-9)

  • Def: a group of function

  • Def: Hellinger distance
    • Qua: => KL distance


    • Qua: => upper bound

      proof:acctually from MLE definition and KL and He relationship

  • Theorm: relation ship between above two group of function

    • example:

    this distribution satisfy the Theorm, thus the empirical is very useful.

3.3. indepence & correlation

3.3.1. indepence

  • Def3.1: independence of random variable

    \[ F_{XY} () =F _{X }()F _{Y}() \\p _{XY} = p _{X} p _{Y} \]

    • Qua3.1: Gaussian => ind

      s.t. X1, X2 is variable gaussian \[ X1,X2 \text{ is uncorrelated = X1,X2 is independent} \]

    • Qua3.2: ind => E

      s.t. X1, X2 independence \[ E(X1X2) = E(X1)E(X2) \]

    • Qua3.3: ind => uncorrelation

      s.t. (1)X1, X2 independence

      ​ (2)X1 X2 var not inf \[ X1,X2 \text{ is uncorrelated} \]

    • Qua3.5: ind => character function

    • Qua3.6: ind => conditional expectation


3.3.2. correlation

  • Def3.2: correlated \[ r _{XY} = \pm 1 \Rightarrow XY\text{ is probability 1 linear} \\ r _{XY} = 0 \Rightarrow XY \text{ is uncorrelated} \]

3.4. transformation

  • Theorm2.: transformation of continuous to continuous

    s.t. (1) \(g(x)\) strictly mono

    ​ (2) \(g ^{-1}(y)\) has continuous derivation \[ (1) Y=g(X) \text{ is continuous random variable}\\ (2) g _{Y}(k) = \begin{cases} p(f ^{-1}(y))|f ^{-1}(y)'| & k \in f(x)值域\\ 0& otherwise \end{cases} \]

  • Theorm2.: transformation of continuous to continuous +

    s.t. (1) \(g(x)\) strictly mono in non-overlap areas. And areas add up to \(\infty\)

    ​ (2) $ g ^{-1}(y)$ has continuous derivation in non-overlap areas. \[ same \]

  • Therom: transformation of continuous vector(x1,x2..xn is continuous) to continuous \[ (1) Y=f(x1,x2,...,xn)\\ (2)F _{Y}(k) = \int \limits_{Y \leq k}p_{X1...Xn}(x1,...xn)dx1...dxn \]

  • Theorm: transformation of continuous vector(x1,x2..xn is continuous) to continuos vector

    s.t. (1) m = n

    ​ (2) ... \[ ... \]

  • Theorm2.1x**: convolution equation \[ P(X+Y=c) = \sum_{k = 0}^{r}P(X=k)P(Y=c-k)\\ P_{X+Y}(c) = \int_{- \infty}^{\infty}p _{X}(k)p _{Y}(c-k)dk \\ \]

3.5. classic bounds

3.5.1. jensen inequality

  • Def:

    another geometric inequality

  • Def: Holder's inequality

  • Def:


3.5.2. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

  • Def:

3.5.3. Minkowski's inequality

  • Def:

3.5.4. markov bound

  • Theorm: markov bound

    Usage: measure the prob that of deviation will larger than e

    s.t. V(X) \[ P(|X-E(X)| \geq e) \leq \frac{V(X)}{e ^{2}} \]


    Example: that markov's only a very weak bound (1-14)

3.5.5. chebshev bound

  • Corollary : => chebshev bound


3.5.6. chernoff bound

  • Corollary: => chernoff bound

3.5.7. hoeffding bound heffding bound

  • Intro: insights of hoeffding bound

  • Lemma: => bounds (used to prove hoeffding) (1-14)


  • Theorm:: => hoeffding's inequality (1-14)




    • Corollary: => more bounds bound differences in equlity (1-15, 1-16)

  • Theorem: bound differences inequality (1-15)

    Usage: adding a mapping on hoeffding bound



    Example: (1-16)

    Example 2 : (1-16)

    Usage: in this example we use sup(Eg-E^g) as a random variable.

    Example 3 : (1-16) the loss function

3.6. limit theory

  • Def: tight & uniformly tight

    • Qua: suff & neck

  • Theorm:: mono limit

  • Theorm: control limit

  • Theorm: different converges

  • Theorm: BC(3-6)

3.6.1. converges in distribution

  • Def: convergence in d






    • Qua: suff & necc



    • Qua: pn converge =>

    • Qua: operation




      (2-2) Helly theorem

  • Theorm: Helly, existence (book)

    Proof: long

  • Theorm: Helly2, whether function still converge (book) Levy theorem

  • Theorm: Levy, converge and cf (book)

    Usage: special function & density one on one

  • Theorm: Levy backwards (book) centrol limit theorem

  • Def: centrol limit theorem (sum of x --d--> gaussian) (book)

  • Theorm: sum of iid gaussain --d--> gaussian (book)

    Note :

  • Theorm: sum of iid --d--> Gaussian (book)


  • Theorm: sum of independent --d--> Gaussian (less strict condition) (book)

  • Theorm: sum of independent --d--> gaussian (less strict condition) (book)

3.6.2. converges in probabilty

  • Def: converges in probability




    Note: why distribution not enough so include probability is nemeses

    • Qua: necc & suff (book)

    • Qua: E(zn-z) =>


      Proof: markov inequality

    • Qua: => d



    • Qua: operation



      (book) tight variables

  • Def: tight variables (2-1) oh-pee

  • Def: Op,op (2-1)

    • Qua: operation weak law of large numbers

  • Def; law of large numbers (book)

  • Theorm: sum of iid Bernoulli --p--> E (book)


  • Theorm: sum --p--> E (less strict)


  • Theorm: sum of invariant --p--> number (less strict ) (book)

  • Theorm: sum of iid --p--> number( more strict )(book)

3.6.3. converges in probabilty 1 / almost

  • Def:converge in probability.1





    • Qua: necc & suff (book)

    • Qua: P => (3-6)

      Proof: from Borel-Cantelli Lemma

    • Qua:P(a-b) => (book)

    • Qua: => P (2-1)

    • Qua: => lim(E|Xn-X|) (2-1)

    • Qua: => lowerbound(lim inf E|Xn|) (2-2)

    • Qua: => lim(E|Xn|) (2-2)

    • Qua =>lim(EXn) (2-2)

    • Qua: operation (2-1) strong law of large numbers

  • Def: strong law of large numebrs (book)

  • Theorm:sum of bernolli --as--> number (book)

    Proof: too long

  • Therom : sum of iid --as--> E. (book)

    (2-2) uniform law of large numbers

  • Def: sum of f(bernoll) --as--> number

3.6.4. convergence in r th mean

  • Def: converge in rth means



    • Qua: => p

3.6.5. continuous mapping theorem

Since weak convergence does not hold for all probability measures, we need conditions on the set C on which

the limiting random element concentrates.

  • Def: < (web)

  • Def: separable & regular



  • Theorem: continuous mapping theorem



  • Theorem: stochastic equicontinuity



3.6.6. Donsker's Theorem(2-10,11)

  • Intro: why we need donsker's theorem (2-10)

    Theorem:Donsker's Theorem v1(2-10)

  • Lemma: (web)

  • Theorem: Donsker's Theorem v2(2-11)

    Proof: see archive

  • Theorem: Donsker's Theorem v3(2-11)

    Proof: see archive

4. random vector

4.1. distribution

4.1.1. joint pdf

  • Def: joint pdf

4.1.2. margin pdf

  • Def:

4.2. special functions

4.2.1. expectation

  • Def: E

    • Qua: => basic

4.2.2. covariance matrix

  • Def: covariance of X

    • Qua: => non-negative

5. relationship between vectors

5.1. special functions

5.1.1. covariance matrix

  • Def: covariance

5.1.2. coefficient matrix

  • Def: coefficient matrix

5.1.3. correlation coefficient

  • Def: correlation coefficient

  • Def: skewed correlation coefficient

5.2. independence & correlation

5.2.1. conditional of itself conditional pdf

  • Def: conditional pdf conditional expectation

  • Def: con-E

5.2.2. independence

  • Def: independence
  • Qua: => COV = 0

5.2.3. correlation

  • Def: correlation

Title:Probability Theory


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