Linear Algebra Course Slides Notes
1. space
Note: figure of different spaces
Note: brief intro to various spaces
1.1. vector space (linear space)
Def: vector space ( V on F )
Qua: => qualities
Qua: => only one adding element
Qua: => only one adding invert
Qua: =>0v=0
Qua: => ao=0
Qua: => (-1)v = -v
1.1.1. subspace & sum (直和) subspace
Def: subspace
Qua: 3 conditions =>
Qua: => finite
Qua: => dimension
Qua: => dimension sum
Def: sum
Def: direct sum
Qua: necc & suff (multiple)
Qua: necc & suff (2 subspace)
Qua: finite =>
Qua: dimentiosn =>
1.1.2. linear combination & span linear combination
Def: linear combination
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & duff
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => rank span
Def: span
Def: be spanned by linear independent
Def: linear independent
Theorm: necc & suff of dependent
Theorm: rank =>
Lemma : => span
Theorm: => length
Def: largest indepent group
1.1.3. basis
Def: basis
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: every spanned group =>
Corollary: every finite space =>
- Qua: every independent =>
Qua: every length spanned group =>
Qua: every length independent =>
Def: dimension
Qua: finite =>
Theorm: for map-space dimension =>
Theorm: subspace dim =>
Corollary: => no dandi
Corollary: => no mandi
Corollary: => no solution
Theorm: => relationship with matrix rank othonomal basis
Def: othonomal
Qua: => independent
Def: othonomal basis
Qua: Gram-Schmdt convert to otho =>
Qua: => xxx
1.2. metric space
Def: distance space
1.2.1. separable
Def: separable
Lemma: separa => Borel = Borel0
Def: Borel set
Def: Borel 0 set
Def: measurable map
Qua: necc & suff
Def: projection map
Def: RCLL function
Qua: some statements
1.3. inner product space
1.3.1. inner product
Def: inner product:The inner product operator measures the similarity between vectors
Example: very important, we see f, g as very long vectors(infinite), and <f, g> is basiclly the sum of infinite vectors.
Example: very important example here, fourier function
define infinite basis functions
prove that basis function are orthogonal
any f can be written as linear combination of basis functions (proof: using orthogonal)
compute coefficient : use orthogonal
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => quality
Qua: => quality
Def: orthogonal
1.3.2. norm
Def: norm
Def: norm
Qua: necc & suff
Theorm: => Cauchy-Schwarz Inqueality
Theorm: Triangle inequality
Theorm: Parallelogram inequality
Theorm: Pythangorean
1.3.3. inner product space
Def: inner product space
Qua: => T=0
Qua: => continuous
1.3.4. orthogonal complement
Def: orthogonal complement
Qua: => V=a+b
Corollary: => invertable
Def: orthogonal projection
Qua: => qualities
Qua: => norms
1.3.5. linear functional & adjoint
Def: linaer funcitonal
Qua: =>
Def: adjoint
Qua: =>
Qua: =>
Qua: =>??
1.3.6. self-adjoint function & normal function
Def: self-adjoint function
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => egenvalue
Qua: => T = 0
Def: normal function
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => egenvalue
Corollary: complex space
- Theorm: complex spectral theorm, necc & duff
- Corollary: => invertible
Corollary: => egvalue real space
Theorm: real special thoemr, necc & suff
Qua: => direct sum
Theorm: necc & duff of [norm but not self]
Theorm: necc & suff of norm
Theorm: necc & suff of norm positive function
Def:positive function
Theorm: necc & suff
Theorm: => root
Def: square root isometry function
Def: isometry
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
Theorm: polar decomposition
Def: singular value
Theorm: => singular value decomposition
1.4. hilbert space
Def: hilbert space
Def: complete space
Example: of hibert space
1.4.1. kernel (1-8 & web)
Def: kernel (1-8)
Def: kernel (web)
Def: kernel
defiinition 3: web
Example: of \(\phi\)
Qua: => quality of kernels
Operation: (1-9), below are all kernels.
Operation: (web)
1.4.2. reproducing kernel hilbert space (1-8 & web)
Def: reproducing kernel hilbert space ( web )
rkhp is a hilbert space with reproducing property, which the basis eigen function form the basis of it . Given kernel function-X space, we can get eigen basis-rkhp( - means that it is one on one); it may be confusing that hilbert space can be function space / vector space , but here we only consider function space.
Theorem: Mercer theorem(web), kernel related to X space, eigenfunc/vec related to L(x) function space. kernel function can be expressed in combinition of eigen functions.
from eigen value, get the following (see K(x,y) as infinite matrix, x implies column, y is row.
prove orthogonal, them we can use eigen decomp to prove the theorem.
Def: reproducing property (web)
for this type of inner product, we have reproducing property
present f as combinition of eig functions
from mercy theorem, we get (there should be a T at the end)
therefore, from definition, we get
Def: kernel trick( web)
now that we have get kernel-X and eigen function-rkhp, we define a rkhp-mapping: \(\phi(x)\) is a function X-> H, K(x, .) may seem confusing but it is a function from X-> H as well, the dot means that the place
then we get
Example: in this example, \(\phi(x)\) is the coordinate of feature space(which is a function hilbert space), there should be a H at the end of \((x1, x2, x1x2)^{T}_{H}\); the function space basis functions are:\(\psi _{1}(.) = e1(.)\), \(\psi _{2}(.)=e1(.)\) , \(\psi3(.)=e1(.)*e2(.)\), but we do not need to know the exact hilbert space it is projected to in most cases.
Def: reproducing kernel hilbert space (1-8)
this is the same. rkhs is here have to be a function space(X->R), which every element satisfy reproducing property.
Def: reproducing kernel hilbert space (1-8)
same thing .
Def: kernel trick (1-8)
kernel(x, y) = <\(\phi(x)\), \(\phi(y)\) >, very important stuff here!!
the thing here is different from web version. we change hilbert space basis function to k(., xi), \(i=1...n\), I imagine that this is merely a change of basis. \(\phi(x):X\to R ^{X}( R^X\text{ means function from X to R} )\)
Theorem: Mercer theorem(1-8)
Usage: we can get something more from this version. we can approximate \(\phi\) by a finite dimensional map.
Proof: none
Note: 这个是mercy定理的直观证明:
Example: SVM
1.4.3. representing therom (1-9)
Theorm: representer, which shows that even in an infinite dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space, the minimizer f∗ can be repre- sented as an (at most) n-dimensional linear combination of kernel functions.
Usage: We can generalize this and prove a simple but powerful theorem called the “Representer Theorem,” which shows that even in an infinite dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space, the minimizer f∗ can be repre- sented as an (at most) n-dimensional linear combination of kernel functions.
Def: translation-invariant kernel
Example: fourier expansion, we define a invariant k(x), then we see what the original kernel is.
1.5. measure space
see measure theory
1.5.1. L2 space
Def: L2 space (2-4) function space
1.5.2. Lp space
Def: Lp function space
2. linear map
Def: linear map
Qua: => qualities
Qua: => dimension
Def: injective, (单射,两个变量不能得到同一个结果)
Def: surjective , (漫射,值域被完全覆盖)
Def: orthotal map
2.1. null space & range
2.1.1. null space
Def: null space
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => subspace
2.1.2. range space
Def: range space
Qua: => subspace
2.2. matrix
2.2.1. matrix properties basic
Def: from V(n) -> W(m) = m x n
Def: matrix of particular vector (坐标)
Qua: 变基 =〉 基与基的关系
Qua: 变基 =》坐标与坐标的关系
Theorm: 变换 =》 坐标与坐标的关系
Theorm: 变换 + 换基 =》坐标与坐标的关系
Qua: 变换+变基 =》 各种矩阵的关系
Qua: operation invertible
Def: invertible
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => only one
Qua: special =>
Def: isnorphic
Def: necc & suff
Qua: operation change of basis
Theorm: change from u to v (with in V) =>
Theorm: change from u to v (with in V)=> trace
Def: trace of function
Qua: => sum of egvalue
Theorm: trace of function = trace of matrix
- Corollary:
Qua: operation
Corollary: determinant
Def: d of function
d of matrix
Qua: => inver
Qua: => same
Theorm: => p(T)
Theorm: Karamo => equation
Qua: operation
Corollary rank
Def: k
Def: rank
Theorm: rank = rank
Qua: => AX=0
Qua: => AX=bequatins
Qua: operations
2.2.2. relationships between matrix equivalent
Def: variations
Def: equivalence
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => rank similar
Def: similar
Theorm: necc & suff of similar to diag
Qua: => same egvalue congruent
Def: 二次型 & 标准型
Theorm: same way=>
Theorm: => xxx
Def: congruent
2.2.3. special matrix positive definite matrix
Def: positive
Qua: necc & suff orthogonal matrix
Def: orthogonal matrix
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => symmetric matrix
Theorm: => egvalue
Theorm: => ortho
Theorm: => decomposition
2.3. eigenvalue
2.3.1. eigenvalue
Def: invariant
Def: eigenvalue (就是寻找1维不变子空间,一个子空间对应一个eigvector和valu
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => same matrix and function
Qua: => independent
Qua: => every one has
Qua: operation
2.3.2. upper matrix
Theorm: necc & duff
Theorm: => inverisible
Theorm: => eigvalue
Theorm: => otho basis
Theorm: some basis =>
2.3.3. diagonal matrix
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: necc & suff
2.3.4. same egenvalue generalized egvalue
Def: generalized egvalue
Theorm: about null space
Theorm: about null space
Corollary : egvalue =>
Theorm: about range space
Def: nilpotent
Qua: => characteristic polynomial
Theorm: important!
Def: multiplicity
Theorm: => sum
Def: characteristic polynomial qt
Theorm: => qt= 0 decomposition
Theorm: princliple structure decomposition
Theorm: important
square root ( application of
Theorm: inver => square root minimal polynomial
Theorm: => 包含q(T)
Theorm: => egvalue (和特征多相似根相同,但是重数不同;特征多项式重根数对应特征值重数,极小多项式对应最大jordan块的介数)(所以我们可以认为一个特征值重数= 特征多项式重数 = jordan块 + jordan块 ,其中最大Jordan块介数 = 极小多项式重数) jordan basis
Def: jordan basis
Theorm: any =>
2.3.5. real vector space basic
Theorm: block upper matrix
Theorm: pt
Def: multiplicity
2.3.6. eigen decomposition (web)
Def: eigen decomposition
x1, x2 are orthogonal
decomposition, no proof
3. polynomial
Def: 多项式
3.1. root
Def: 次数
Def: root
Qua: necc & suff
Qua: => number of roots
Theorm: division algorithm
3.2. complex coefficient
Theorm: fundamental theorm of algebra
3.3. real coefficient
Theorm: => root
Lemma: to prove the below
Theorm: 分解定理
3.4. multi linear function
Def: 多项式算子