Complexity Theory

Complexity Theory Class Notes

1. algorithms

  • Def: algorithm

  • Def: turing machine


  • Def: space & time of turing machine

1.1. precise algorithms

1.1.1. time complexity criterias average time

  • Def: worst time

  • Def: amotized analysis aggregate analysis
  • Def: think of all n operation together accounting method
  • Def:

    • Note: key is to design cost . potential method
  • Def:

    • Note: potential is actually a way of designing accounting method.

1.1.2. algorithm types p pseudo-p algorithm

  • Def: seudo-P algorithm


1.2. approximate algorithms

  • Note: different level of algorithms

  • Note: different lower bounds

1.2.1. ratio criterias worst-time ratio

  • Def: worst-time ratio average-time ratio

  • Def: (expected) average constant ratio asymptotic ratio

  • Def: asymptotic

    Note: difference with 1.3.2 => when the size of instance changes, asymptotic ratio changes

    Note: the figure below shows relationship[\(C^*(I), C^A(I)/C^*(I)\)] between two ratios, red is constant r1, blue r2+b/C*I is decreasing(where r2 is the end height, larger b means higher line, to prove an algorithm is efficient we want b to be small, to prove a problem is hard we want it large), so r2 \(\leq\) r1 and r2 represent a more general (excluding special cases like the leftest point) bound of algorithm. To prove r2 is more difficult, such as we have to construct a series of cases to prove that r2 \(\geq\) c,(consider you can't rotate the blue line to the right anymore since bounded by the cases) where in constant ratio we only need one case. competitive ratio

  • Def: for online algorithm

1.2.2. algorithm types FPTAS & PTAS

  • Def: FPTAS & PTAS with worst ratio

    Note: note that FPTAS is actually a special pseudo-poly when \(\epsilon = 1/MAX\)

    • Qua: => FPTAS->PTAS

    • Qua: prove by reduction APTAS

  • Def: APTAS with asymptotic constant worst ratio

  • Def: constant ratio with worst ratio

    Note: figure of a single instance(note this is not instance level but a single instance)

    • Qua: ways to prove lower/upper bounds for Algorithm: find bounds / find difference

    • Qua: ways to prove no approximation for Problem (equivalent to prove bounds for all algorithms) (GAP-technique)

      Note: 1) X \(\geq_p\) Y(some other NPC problems), and separate the domain of X by reduction from Y.

      Note: fig, note that everything happens on instance level.

    • Qua: ways to prove constant ratio for Problem

      Note: 1) X \(\geq_L\) Y(some problem with known ratio) constant competitive ratio

  • Def: for online algorithm with competitive ratio

    • Qua: => to prove worst ratio \(\geq\) a for a problem, design a sequence for all algorithms.

    • Qua: => prove ratio \(\leq\) b for an algorithm, use lower bound.

2. complexity class

  • Note: classes for desition problems

  • Note: Fig: classes for optimization problems

  • Def: size

    Example: TSP size

  • Def: max number

    Example: TSP

    Example: graph

  • Def: time complexity

  • Def: subproblems

    sub \(\leq\) general

2.1. class ( for decision problems)

2.1.1. P

  • Def:



2.1.2. NP

  • Def:



2.1.3. EP

  • Def:

2.1.4. ZPP

  • Def:

2.1.5. BPP

  • Def:

2.1.6. RP

  • Def:RP

  • Def: co-RP

2.1.7. NPC NPC

  • Def: NPC

    • Qua necc &suff strong NPC

  • Def: unary NPC (strong NPC)

    • Qua: => no pseudo

      Proof: set a pseudo algorithm A with respect to MAX(I), then it's a P algorithm.

    • Qua: =>

    • Qua: prove that max(x) is bounded =>

      Note: that the problem being reduced don't need to be strong

    • Qua: prove by pseudo reduction =>

      Note: that using pseudo reduction, the problem has to be strong.

      Proof: first prove NP-C, then prove NP-C strong ( max(I2) is bounded)

      Note: because it is strong NPC, we can slightly loosen the constraint => from poly to pseudo poly, the second & third conditions are normally less strict than \(max(I_2) \leq p(size(I_2))\)

    • Qua: with condition => prove no FPTAS

      Note: that this requires result to be integers

      Proof: the intuition is to design a pseudo to make contradictionm so \(\epsilon\) is intuitive to include size and Max. And to make it optimal, we have to make C* small enough to be the same as CA.

2.1.8. co-NP

  • Def:

    • Qua:

    • Qua:

2.1.9. APX

  • Def:

    • Qua:

2.1.10. NPO

  • Def:

2.1.11. NPO-C

  • Def:

2.2. relationship

2.2.1. hard/complete

  • Def: complete can not be extend to algorithmic problems

2.2.2. equivalence

  • Def:

2.2.3. reduction turing reduction

  • Def: polynomial time reduction

  • Def:

    Note: sudo-p-time reduction

  • Def: sudo-p-time reduction

    • Qua: => can be used to prove strong NPC L reduction

  • Def: PTAS reduction

  • Def:

Title:Complexity Theory


PTime:2019/11/19 - 12:11

LUpdate:2020/04/03 - 21:04


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